Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sauteed Rabbit in Red Wine with Prunes

This one is from X. Marcel Boulestin's Recipes of Boulestin. I've tried it before with farmed rabbit, but the rabbit-oh shouting his wares on Sydney and Melbourne streets in the 1920s wasn't a hobbyist breeder of big white Angora rabbits. The wild rabbits came from Coles this morning, and they were the smallest two. One big farmed rabbit would substitute.

Two wild rabbits
Knob of butter
12 small onions (ideal), or 3-4 medium onions
2-3 rashers thinly sliced bacon
1 cup red wine
2 tbsp wine vinegar
12 prunes, pitted
Parsley and thyme

Take two wild rabbits, and remove the legs, thighs and saddles. (I'm using the best bits so each serving is a leg and saddle, and reserving the rest for a rabbit ragu.)
In a wide-based pan, saute rabbit pieces in butter with onions and thinly sliced bacon, adding fresh parsley and thyme, salt and pepper. When rabbit is browned, add one cup of red wine and a little vinegar for sharpness, stir and reduce a little. Simmer covered on low heat for 1 hour.
Halfway though, remove bacon, onions and herbs and add a dozen or so pitted prunes. Serve with pureed potato and a green vegetable.

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